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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Did you get that thing I sent you?!



"185. Mr. Walkenstein testified that he is aware of only one entity that has manufactured color night vision goggles using different color phosphors in different optical channels since 2005. According to Mr. Walkenstein, that entity is the Russian government or a manufacturer having a relationship with the Russian government. (Tr. 3/82-83; GPF ¶ 982) CANVS has produced no technical details or other substantiating evidence regarding this alleged Russian manufacturer of a night vision goggle having different color phosphors in different optical channels. There is no documentary proof in the record relating to this alleged Russian night vision goggle. CANVS has produced no evidence to indicate that this alleged Russian manufacturer had gleaned the information concerning color night vision goggles from the APBI Poster. (Tr. 3/83-84; GPF ¶¶ 983-84)"

When someone lies about you it is never OK. It is even more egregious when that someone is acting of behalf of The US Government.


"we have relied to a considerable extent on the government’s proposed findings in our Findings of Fact herein."

What that means is they just adopted the SOCOM lawyers position rather than looking at the evidence. This behavior is criminal it is called "material misrepresentation of material facts in evidence in a case". Furthermore, when material misrepresentation of facts occurs with the intent to deprive someone of what is rightfully theirs, I believe it is a felony.

The following materials were in evidence in this case at the ASBCA as early as January 25th, 2013:

Not only is this a heinous miscarriage of justice, it is just not OK to do this to ANY AMERICAN, especially this American who not only understands his Constitutional Rights, but also swore an oath to protect The Constitution against all threats both foreign and domestic...


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