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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Meet the DOJ team...

This is the legal team representing the Defendant in CANVS V USA.

From Left to Right:
  • John A. Hudalla

  • Stuart F. Delery
    Acting Assistant Attorney General

  • John Fargo Director Commercial Litigation Branch
    Civil Division United States Department
    of Justice, Washington, DC, for defendant.

  • Lindsay K. Eastman, Attorney
    United States Department of Justice of counsel.
Please note that everything above and including this sentence is a presentation of factual information with no commentary or opinion.

The following is opinion and commentary:
  • Walter Cronkite would be proud.

  • I thought you as Taxpayers might be interested in seeing who the Government is Paying to represent "USA" in this case.

Federal Law Schmedral Law...

In case you fail to understand the significance of this document:

Let me break it down for you.

The President is worried about having over 100,000 Americans laid off right before the election. Federal Law clearly states what needs to be done, the OMB at the direction of the President, has told the largest Defense Contractors in America not to worry go ahead and break the law and if you incur any costs associated with breaking the law the Taxpayers will pick up the tab. The way this was done is an affront to "Taxation without Representation". Once again Small Business is given a boot to the face and kicked to the curb as Government takes Big Business to lunch on the taxpayers dime!