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Saturday, April 7, 2012

3 out of 955?

I just upgraded the blogging interface on this page and noticed the ability to track how many folks have read the various posts. I find it astounding that out of the 955 people that have visited this blog, only 3 have openly admitted it and are following this blog (and one of the three is me). I suspect that the vast majority of the folks reading this are in some way connected to the US Government, more specifically the Department of Justice and the other individuals and Agencies that will be thrust into the spotlight when the legal action against them is brought into the public domain. The reason that I have not been posting to this blog for a while is because although CANVS now has a case before the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals as well as the Patent Infringement Case in the Court of Federal Claims, the details of the two cases are almost entirely covered by "Protective Order". I am also busy continuing to advance the state of the art on behalf of our Men and Women in uniform. All that having been said I believe that I have enough material of interest that is not protected or classified to start talking about on these pages in an attempt to try and point my Country back in a direction that will be more in line with the ideal put forth by the framers of The Constitution and our Founding Fathers. A note to those reading this text: If you had the courage to read these words prove to me that you care about what is happening to our Country by following this blog.


  1. U R the man Jonathan.
    There is no I in USA.
    ACCOUNTABILITY should be the
    catch phrase for our great nation's
    leaders to keep in mind.
    In the eyes of "BLIND JUSTICE" true
    equality under the law is not
    double vision... it is the only vision!

  2. "Should be" becomes "is" only if one goes the distance. It is just painful to see first hand how the system is taken advantage of by the folks in a position to do so. I can only hope that at the end of my epic battle that the forces of good prevail. I like to say being a good guy is not a part time job!
