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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Excuse me Senator, I think you dropped this...

As our representative form of government continues to wipe their asses with our Flag and Constitution in plain view of anyone that actually looks at what is really happening in this country, I had hoped that there would have been a bit more backlash from "We The People...".

Let me see if I get this right, a law was passed that had a fine in it if a citizen didn't do what the law said. The Supreme Court says House and Senate can't do that BUT it would be OK if it were a tax. Can someone explain to me why the law is not invalidated and the House and Senate forced to now vote on the exact same bill but with the word TAX replacing the word penalty, or fine?

If you have not figured this out yet it has nothing to do with providing anyone with anything. I take that back, they will be providing criminal elements access to an extremely large Government mandated revenue stream. Last time I checked Social Security isn't working too well. Here is how I know it is all a crock, if the members of the House and Senate were serious about providing healthcare that really worked for the entire country, then they should all be willing to trade in their gold plated existing policies for the lowest coverage afforded by the proposed system (Perhaps they would also return all the money they have stolen from Tax payers as well...).

A good friend of mine once told me that it is easy to know when you are in Washington DC, as you are shaking someones hand they pull out a knife with the other hand and stab you in the chest, meaning they don't wait to stab you in the back, and it is done shamelessly in plain sight.

The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves, I am almost glad they are not here to see what is being done to the beautiful concept and vision they had. On the other hand if they were here I think there would be some good old fashioned Andrew Jackson style ass kickings!

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